Delve into the rich cultural heritage and contemporary identity of Asian diaspora communities. With themes ranging from family and tradition, politics and social issues, and...

Experience a dazzling display of cinematic colours and perspectives. This program showcases the diverse perspectives and styles of Asian diaspora filmmakers, from experimental works to...

Embark on a cinematic journey through the imaginations and experiences of Asian diaspora filmmakers. This program takes you on a dreamlike adventure through stories of...

KFFC 10 is excited to announce the Montreal opening film with the timeless PEPPERMINT CANDY! PEPPERMINT CANDY is a mesmerizing and unconventional portrait of a...

KFFC/Arts East-West is launching our first-ever AEW Public’s Choice Awards, inspired by our organization’s donation elements of Soil, Wave, Cloud, and East-West. At the Montreal...

KFFC 10 will showcase a national cinema, a spotlight on the Philippines, featuring four films that exhibit rich and diverse Philippine stories. “Spotlight: The Philippines”...

Behold the artful magic of KFFC 10’s Carte Blanche film programs! From circus and dance to performance arts and painting – four illustrious films tackling...

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