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  • 1년 ago

KFFC 10 is right around the corner. Here are snippets of exciting news to come!

· Five Masters: Where East Meets West – 5 documentaries on the works of legendary artists from around the world

· Over 60 Asian-Canadian and Asian films

· Over 30 Asian Media Arts & Asian Shorts at Dazibao

· May 18th: K-ART DAY in commemoration of the democratic Gwangju Uprising struggles

· AeW Awards – The first-ever public awards recognizing outstanding films and media arts, chosen by the public

· Statue of Peace – Installation supporting the call for redress of the euphemistically labelled “comfort women”

· WE HANDMADE screen printing workshops and limited-edition festival merch made by KFFC 10

· Opening Reception on May 26 at McCord Stewart Museum with live music and refreshments.

· Starting May 10th, get your KFFC 10 tickets online at

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