Five Masters: Where East Meets West

  • 1년 ago

“Five Masters: Where East Meets West” is a special program featured in KFFC’s 10th edition, presenting remarkable documentaries that portray the work and the lives of five legendary artists from around the world.

Whether you’re drawn to the artistic expressions of the East or the West, or simply curious about different cultural perspectives, this deserves a spot on your calendar.

May 27, McCord Stewart Museum
· LEE CHANG-DONG: THE ART OF IRONY (2022) directed by Alain Mazars

June 3, Cinéma du Parc
· THE ART OF SILENCE (2022) directed by Maurizius Staerkle Drux

June 4, McCord Stewart Museum
· NAM JUNE PAIK: MOON IS THE OLDEST TV (2023), directed by Amanda Kim
· THE MAN WHO PAINTS WATER DROPS (2021), directed by Oan Kim & Brigitte Bouillot
· LES OIES DE JEAN PAUL RIOPELLE (2023) directed by Jean-Luc Dupuis

Tickets and more information available at

KFFC 10’s full line-up of films from around the world will be revealed soon!

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